HttpWatch Help Version 15.x
Using HttpWatch / Using the Find Dialog
In This Topic
    Using the Find Dialog
    In This Topic

    The find dialog can be used to locate text anywhere in the log of recorded requests. The following controls are displayed:

    Find what

    This text field is used to enter the text that you want to locate.


    This drop down list contains three options

    1. All - locates the text starting from the first log entry

    2. Down - locates the text starting at the current location in the log

    3. Up - locates the text by searching up through the log from the current location

    Match Case

    Select this checkbox to perform a case sensitive search

    Search In

    The search can be restricted to specific parts of each request by unchecking the 'All Request Data' check box.

    Find Next

    Click this button to find the next match for the specified text.