HttpWatch Help Version 15.x
Using HttpWatch / User Interface / Request View / Headers
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    This tab shows the headers that were sent to and received from the web server. The size of the two lists can be adjusted by dragging the vertical line that separates them.

    Headers Sent

    The left hand list shows the headers that were sent in the HTTP request. The entry named (Request-Line) is the first line of the HTTP request and contains the HTTP method, HTTP version and URL sub path, e.g.

    GET /library/index.htm HTTP/1.1

    Headers Received

    The right hand list shows the headers that were received in the HTTP response. The entry named (Status-Line) is the first line of the HTTP response and contains the HTTP status code, version and description, e.g.

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK