HttpWatch Help Version 15.x
Using HttpWatch / Silent Install and Installer Command Line Arguments
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    Silent Install and Installer Command Line Arguments
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    Starting HttpWatch Setup Without a User Interface (Silent Mode)

    HttpWatch can be installed from batch files, on the command line or from automated tools like SMS by supplying command line arguments to the setup program:

        httpwatchpro.exe /S [/errorpath=...] [/license=...] [/capture=1] [/D=<install_dir>] 

    Setup Command Line Arguments

    The command line options are shown below:

    The names of the command line flags are case sensitive



    This causes the setup program to run with no GUI and to require no interaction, i.e. Silent Mode install


    This specifies where files containing error information should be written. If this option is not specified the files will be written to the directory containing the setup program.



    "/errorpath=c:\temp\error logs"

    If the path error file contains spaces use double quotes around the whole argument not just the value


    The HttpWatch extension is installed in Google Chrome unless this flag is used.


    The HttpWatch extension is installed in Microsoft Edge unless this flag is used.


    This sets the file name of the HttpWatch Professional edition license. Use the value '[installed]' to use an existing, installed license. Here are some examples





    "/license=D:\temp\folder name with space\httpwatch.lic"

    If the path or file name to the license file contains spaces use double quotes around the whole argument not just the value


    This allows re-packaging tools to accurately record registry changes that HttpWatch makes at setup time and is useful when authoring custom MSI or SMS packages for HttpWatch.


    The default install directory can be changed using this flag. e.g.

    /D=c:\program files\networktools\httpwatch

    If the /D argument is used then it must be the last argument on the command line and must not contain double quotes even if the destination folder contains spaces.

    Detecting Errors

    If an error occurs during a silent install no message box or dialogs are displayed. The setup program will have a non zero exit code and one of the following files will be written:


    Indicates that the setup requires a reboot to complete


    Is written if the setup program could not complete, e.g. the destination directory is not writable.

    The directory, in which these files are written, can be controlled using the /errorpath command line flag. When the setup program completes successfully it will have an exit code of zero and no error files are written.

    Waiting for the Setup Program to Finish

    To run directly from the command line or in a batch file, you will need to use the Windows Start command to wait for the setup program to complete, e.g.

    start /wait httpwatchpro.exe /S /license=[installed]

    Automatically installing and enabling the HttpWatch extension in Chrome

    Using Chrome extension policies it is possible to force the HttpWatch extension to be automatically enabled in Chrome without any user intervention. This technique is described in the following blog post:

    See Also