HttpWatch Help Version 15.x
Using HttpWatch / Automatic Recording
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    Automatic Recording
    In This Topic

    Start Recording Automatically

    HttpWatch can be configured to automatically record and save log files without any user intervention. This can be useful when running automated tests or for use with non-technical users.

    Automatic recording can be configured interactively using the Options dialog or through the automation interface's Plugin object.

    Log File Name Format

    An automatically saved log file will have a file name in the following format:

    <computer name>_<user name>_<date fields>_<time fields>_<ie process id>.hwl

    For example, this log file name:


    indicates that the following information about the file:

    Computer Name: wrkstat1
    User Name: jsmith
    Date saved: December 12th, 2007
    Time saved: 15:34:54 (local time)
    Process ID of IE or Chrome Extension 14916


    See Also