This tab shows the cookies that were sent to or received from the server by the selected request. An exclamation mark is displayed on the tab if any of the cookies were blocked by the browser.
This checkbox is displayed if any cookies were blocked by the browser. Select the checkbox to see these cookies or deselect to hide them.
The columns displayed are:
The unescaped name of the cookie.
Indicates whether the cookie value was sent or received.
Displays a list of reasons why the cookie was blocked by the browser
This shows the unescaped value of the cookie.
This is the path on the web site to which the cookie applies.
This shows the domain or host name to which this cookie belongs, e.g. or
The date/time when the cookie expires, e.g. Sun, 17-Jan-2038 19:14:07 GMT. The value (Session) indicates that this is a session cookie that will be deleted when the browser is closed.
Displays the SameSite attribute that can be assigned to cookies to control cross site access,