This window displays the following information about the current log file:
This is the local date and time on the recording PC when the first entry was added to the log file.
The Time Zone field shows the offset of the recording PC's time zone from UTC (Universal Time) or GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). For example, this would show UTC - 8 if the file was recorded in California during the winter and UTC - 7 if it was recorded during the summer when daylight savings was active.
The name and version of the browser in which HttpWatch was used to record the log file, e.g. 'Chrome 101.0.14393.953'
This shows the version of Windows that the recording PC was running, e.g. ' Windows XP (Service Pack 3).
This is the version and edition of HttpWatch that was original used to record the file, e.g. HttpWatch Professional Edition 6.0.7
This field can be used to store a comment within the log file. For example, you could use this field to store the name of the test that was being run or information about why the log file was recorded.